Wednesday, October 24, 2012


So my first little photo shoot, that I did with my sister in law and her boyfriend is finally done. I don't think I did such a bad job. I've been mulling over them and editing them and trying to make sure they look OK. She wants to put them on her walls in frames, because they have no pictures of them together.

Here are a couple..I don't think I did too bad, at least, I hope not!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

More Fall Pictures

If there is one thing I'd have to say about Fall is: I absolutely love the colors! Living in North Georgia is just so awesome around this time. There are always lots of out of town visitors that come up every weekend just to see the leaf colors on the mountains. I really do think it's my most favorite of the 4 seasons!

All I did tonight was head out to our backyard and took a few pictures of the different leaf colors. Even though I was only out there for a few minutes, and didn't even go far, I got some great pictures of the different color leaves. Not to mention, I caught our kitty cat, Besty, doing a little cleaning!


Monday, October 15, 2012

First Time

For the first time ever, I'm going to put my new found knowledge of my camera and editing to good use. This Saturday I'm going to do my first ever photo shoot. Granted, it's not for any money, and it's only for my sister in law and her boyfriend, but I think we'll have fun. So I've been looking at pictures professional photographers have taken of couples to maybe get an idea on what to do. She didn't want to go to a studio to have some done, because she doesn't like to pose and fake smile. The exact same reasons why I hate for my two boys to have pictures done at school. Eventually, we'll have a family picture done in the great outdoors that I will love. So, anyhow, she wants pictures to put on her walls, and she only has a few that she's taken with her cell phone and I'm available and learning. She knows I'm not a professional, but she knows I will do my best!

Leaving this blog post ending with a picture, as I always like to do! Here is a picture reminding me that Winter is near, but soon after that, Spring will be too!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I used to hate coffee. I just couldn't handle the taste, it was too strong and bitter. But, for the last two months, I've been drinking it. With every flavor of creamer I could get my hands on. It's been great! So, here is my ode to coffee and the creamer that I picked up this weekend. It's a seasonal flavor, so it's only out for a short while. My goal is to try all of them!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


So, I've been doing some more editing on pictures. I don't have a fancy program yet, so I'm resorting to free editing software that you can get online. It's not the best, but if you work at it, you can make it work.

I would show the editing I did on a great friend of mine's children, but we all know how that works. You cannot take someone else's pictures unless you ask for permission, even if it is just a picture they took with a phone. It's considered copyrighted to them and it's bad form. The second reason I won't be showing it is because they are just babies, and I'm not the parent, so it's not in good form for me to splash children's faces around. Even if I had taken the picture, and it was copyrighted to me, I still wouldn't do it. I respect my friend, her husband and her children too much for that.

With that being said, I am the copyright holder on these next pictures. I did edit them myself, and I will splash them around on this blog because they are actually my boys! I'm learning how to use the color selection feature. It's working out pretty well. It just takes a lot of patience!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Beginning

So here's a little taste of the beginning fall. I always love to see the different colored mum that adorn every house, or in the stores. I finally got some 2 years ago. We planted them in a planter and just let them do what they wanted. They always turned brown and twig like during the summer. It's dry and hot here, what do you expect, really? So I never think they are going to make an appearance again. They've totally fooled me twice now. This year was no exception! They are blooming great, and full and beautiful!

I always know fall is really near when these start in with their colors!

Monday, October 8, 2012


I haven't gotten outside to take any new pictures, I've been lazy and it's been nasty and rainy out. I haven't been a very good blog poster, either.

So, with that being said, since it's getting close to Halloween, I'm going to post some pictures from a cemetery in Florida that we visited during our trip. Normally, walking into a cemetery really doesn't bother me, in the day time or night time. I don't get freaked out very easily, but when I walked into this cemetery, I instantly had a creepy feeling. The air was heavy, and thick. It just felt really really sad. They tried their best to keep up with the maintenance of it, but, it was used from 1835-1841, so time is no man's..dead or alive...friend.

What made it a little worse was, straight across from this cemetery, was another big burial space. Headstones were rare, but, according to a Memorial sign/marker, it was a mass grave for victim's of Yellow fever or plague. Again, it was sad feeling. It must be, because they didn't even have a nice place to rest, or a proper burial with their loved ones being able to come and remember them at their headstones because there WERE NO headstones for them.

So here are a few pictures from there....